Supporting Erie, Huron and Lorain Counties

Roundtable for Transitioning Students with Disabilities from HS to LCCC

Event Date: 5/3/2024
Start Time: 1:00 PM
End Time: 3:00 PM
Location: LCCC: Patsie Campana Center for Ideation and Invention, PC Building, room 101

Registration Details:
This in-person meeting will be for Transition Coordinators, high school Intervention Specialist, high school counselors, Accessibility Services Providers, and College2Careers (OOD) to:
* Meet new LCCC staff and Providers
* Highlight the support students can receive through College2Careers
* Hear from a student panel—what has worked, what can we improve upon
* New referral process for connecting students who plan to attend LCCC with Accessibility Services
* Q&A

At the end of this session, attendees will understand the process to enroll a student with a disability into LCCC to get their best/supported first year of college.

PresentersMatt Marino, Melissa Wagner

Contact Hours: 2

Registration Assistance:  Debbie Shannon, [email protected] or 440.324.5777 x1112

The registration window for this event is currently not available.
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