Event Date: 1/15/2025
Start Time: 8:30 AM
End Time: 11:30 AM
Location: Educational Service Center of Lorain County, 1885 Lake Ave. Elyria
Registration Details:
TARGET AUDIENCE: New or newish Intervention Specialists in the SST2 Region
NETWORK DATES: (registration required for dates you plan to attend by clicking the date links)
September 11, 2024: Overview of an Intervention Specialist's Responsibilities
Organizing your caseload
Working with Paraprofessionals
Leading an IEP meeting
Basic de-escalation strategies
Organizing data collection and documentation of SDI minutes
December 9, 2024: Data Collection, Progress Reports, ESY Determination, Writing IEP Amendments
March 12, 2025: When to use extended Standards, Choosing assistive technology, Choosing testing accommodations, Using the Alternate Assessment Decision Making Tool
Attendees will learn how to:
-Manage their IEP caseloads
-Lead an IEP meeting
-Write IEPs
-Make IEP Amendments
-Use correct data collection for IEP goals
-Progress monitor IEP goals
-Use the ESY Eligibility Consideration Form
-Use Graduation Options and Requirements for students with disabilities
-Use the Alternate Assessment Decision Making Tool
-Choose correct testing accommodations
-Choose the correct assistive technology
FACILITATORS: Kristin Fazio, Jennifer Heim, Melissa Wagner