Shared Leadership - Effective leaders believe teams should share decision-making, empowering all staff to contribute to purposeful choices and resource management. Continuous improvement is everyone’s responsibility. Different situations call for different leadership skills.
Communication and Engagement - Effective teams require actively engaged members who communicate consistently with all staff and stakeholders.
These teams must engage in two-way communication to collect and share the information and data they need to implement evidence-based strategies. This feedback loop helps teams communicate their support needs, barriers to implementation and successes.
Purposeful Decision-Making - Informed decision-making and resource management calls for analyzing adult and student data. Teams at all levels collect, monitor and analyze the data through this continuous process to monitor their improvement goals.
Resource Management - Teams direct resources to support district and school goals. These resources include people, program materials, time and funds. All teams should evaluate and align resources to district and building level plans to provide professional learning, including coaching, selecting and onboarding staff.